
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

safest weight loss surgery

Atrophy means wasting away of muscles or organ of the body, emaciation means thinning, excessive leaning, diminution in size or wasting of muscular tissues and marasmus is the gradual loss of flesh and strength of muscles of the body. These medical terms convery the same meaning and are used for a patient who has gradual loss in strength, weight and size of muscular tissues or who goes on reducing till he becomes a living skelton. In other words, the muscles of the chest, abdomen, limbs, neck etc. are reduced in size due to want of nourishment, weak and poor functioning of digestive organs, poor digestion and poor assimilation or absorption of food.
 Due to above causes, atrophy or emaciation goes on increasing even after Cat rig well, stool passes out with undigested food particles, child becomes Slow in learning walk and talk, stumbles down while making an attempt to walk, uses to sit in one corner of the room, avoids walking, with the result, his head and belly become large, legs become thin weak and slim. At this stae we say that the child is in the grip of marasmus - with other symptoms -like pale, anaemic look of the face, loss of locomotor power in limbs, atrophied legs, diarrhoea of white colour, alternating with constipation etc.
 As said in the beginning, that atrophy is a wasting away of the muscles or organs of the body. Thus term atrophy is also used as atrophy of breasts, atrophy of liver, skin and glands.
Safest weight loss surgery by homoeopathy : CP3X, KP3X, NM3X, NP3X Sil -12X- 2-3 grains dose be given in alternation with any indicated homoeo medicine. Alfalfa-Q,Calcarea-carb.30,Ars alb 6,30.Abrotanum - 6,30.

Friday, June 26, 2015

cerebral palsy causes

Cerebral palsy causes : The cerebral palsies of childhood comprise a group of conditions which may be either of intra-uterine onset, or which are acquired during parturition or at a still later period. Cases of intra-uterine origin are usually developmental in character, and to this group belong porencephalia, agenesis corticalis and other defects, although evidences of hæmorrhage and sclerotic changes, as a result of traumatism, fœtal meningo-encephalitis and syphilis, have been observed in rare instances. The cerebral palsies encountered later in child-life are the result of either hæmorrhage, embolism or thrombosis.

treatment options for fibroids

Fibroid is a benign tumour of fibrous and muscular tissue, one or more of which may be found in the muscular walls of the uterus (womb). Fibroids often cause pain, excessive menstrual bleeding and they may become quite large. They do cause infertility. Fibroids can be removed surgically, but in some cases, the whole of the uterus is removed (called hysterectomy or uterectomy).

seasonal allergies treatment

seasonal allergies treatment :Allergy is the sudden change of condition in the normal body of those men who inhale, eat or touch any unsuitable foreign substances or physical agents.  For example- dust particles, smell of ripe grass, rose flower, eating of eggs, fish, cooked animal food and drinking of milk, cool drinks, cold hot exposure, exposure of perspired body etc. are the examples of physical agents- which causes allergy to some individuals and not to majority of people.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

alcoholic rehab

Alcoholic rehab ALCOHOL is certainly a poison, but no one drinks alcohol. Alcohol is an abstraction like protein and vitamins. People do not drink alcohol who take wine, beer, spirits, etc. The misuse of alcohol is as undesirable as the misuse of anything else. Many of those who preach abstinence from alcohol through reasons of health ruin their own health by taking enormous quantities of poisonously strong, boiling hot tea, or by eating too much.

      Alcohol is germicidal. The Ancients cleaned wounds with wine and spirits. Even now in hospital practice wounds are frequently cleaned with alcohol. Alcohol is not only a good outer germicide in the case of wounds, etc., but is apparently also an excellent internal germicide. In many countries where the water is unwholesome the natives pour wine in the water to destroy the disease germs. The misuse of alcohol is, of course, most undesirable, but wine and beer are wholesome drinks to those who act with discretion. Tender babies who cannot digest milk, and who vomit a horrid sour-smelling mass, will frequently be able to digest milk easily with a few drops of brandy added to it. The brandy may be a theoretical poison, and it may seem undesirable to give babies brandy, but it has saved the lives of many babies, and of many grown-ups as well. In innumerable cases a little brandy or a glass of champagne has saved patients from imminent death. Of course, we should only take sound drinks. Raw harsh wines and immature spirits are dangerous. Among alcoholic drinks must be classed cider, which is a true health drink and which is only theoretically intoxicating.
Those who smoke a pipe and those who use holders for their cigarettes and cigars should keep these implements scrupulously clean. They are apt to get clogged with tobacco juice and nicotine. They should be frequently cleaned with a feather or other implement in boiling water and soap.
Homoeopathic Care : Alcoholism, in its chronic form, causes severe disturbances in the nervous and digestive systems.  The following remedies are used but strong will power of man can cure this alcoholism.
Avena sativa. Q- 10 drops dose before meals and Nux. vom. 30, 15 minutes after meals, be repeated for two months in those cases who are suffereing from nervous dyspepsia, nervous weakness and nervous upset in the body, i.e.  nervous irritability, nervous or gastric depression with loss of appetite.  Or for those people who have great craving for alcohol- which after-ward causes nervous upset in the body.  Nux. vom. 30 or 200, removes the ill-effect of alcohol and brings the man into normal position. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

heavy menstrual cycle

Metrorrhagia or heavy menstrual cycle is the term now employed to signify uterine hemorrhage, unconnected with the menstrual flow.
 This hemorrhage may be active,-that is, composed of bright, arterial blood; or it may be passive,-consisting of the darker colored, venous blood. It may arise from the general influence of predisposing causes: from accidents; from violence; from excessive exertions of body; from sudden shocks and violent emotions of mind; from the presence of worms in the intestines; from the presence of polypi or other tumors within the pelvis; from ulcerated cancers, or other ulcers of the uterus; from any of the causes which may produce abortion or miscarriage,-and from the abortion or miscarriage itself; from retention of the placenta after parturition,-or otherwise, in consequence of parturition itself; and from the cessation of the menses after the change of life.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

diabetes medicine

Diabetes is a sugar disease-which is resulted from relative lack of the hormone "Insulin" in the body. In this disease there is high level of sugar in the blood due to less production of insulin. Because insulin reduces the level of sugar in the blood.

Friday, June 19, 2015

health plan

Health plan or awareness is essential for everybody.Unless one enjoys good health,one can neither contribute nor derive maximum benefit from what life has to offer.Hippocrates,the father of medicine,recognized that the medical therapy must be consistent with the nature and the design of the human body.He believed that the effective health care could not be separated from nutrition.He stressed prevention of disease by strong recommending a balanced diet with a moderate and sensible lifestyle.Hippocrates wrote,"Natural forces within us are the true healer of disease,everything in excess is opposed to nature,to do nothing is sometimes a good remedy."His philosophy was very much akin to the holistic health perspective of today.Food could heal,cure,elevate moods,improve memory,make the brain sharper,provide us with potent energy and fill us with vigor ? Food has been discovered to be the greatest natural pharmacy that is available to human beings.The right food can help us perform to our peak capacity while the wrong food can lead us towards disease and ill health.The ordinary cabbage and cauliflower could ward off the possibility of cancer,tomatoes can effectively take care of free radicals in today's environment and carrots can provide you with the essential beta-carotene to fight off many diseases.It is surprising how effectively food can alleviate most of our common ailments.The mysteries of the power of food and the secrets of food elements have been unravelled so that you can use food for other benefits rather than just appeasing hunger. You should exercise regularly with diet.It will help you to decrease the risk factor of diabetes,control your weight,insulin,cholesterol,pressure,mental stress,etc.
Signs of good health : Wakes refreshed in the morning,clear mind,calm emotions,sense of well-being,strength,flexibility,stamina,adaptable,vitality,clarity and harmony in all the vital systems.

chronic interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is an affection that is more frequently due to, and associated with, disease in some other part of the urinary tract, than to an acute cystitis becoming chronic. A patient suffering from renal calculus will almost certainly have chronic cystitis, so also will those suffering with obstructions of the urethra, or from vesical calculus. Its most frequent causes then are the following: Chronic retention of urine from obstructive disease of the urethra - in early and middle life this means stricture, in advanced age, hypertrophy of the prostate - ; atony of the bladder, occasionally paralysis, foreign bodies in the bladder, tumors; sometimes abnormal conditions of the urine itself, and lastly it exists as a sequel of the acute malady.

homoeopathy remedies

As a homoeopathy practitioner have to know the botanical description, natural history, medical history, chemical analysis, and method of preparation of each remedy.
TINCTURES : Four fundamental rules in the preparation of tinctures: First, A tincture should contain all of the medicinal properties of its drug, and, in order to accomplish this, the drug must be entirely exhausted. Second, Alcohol is not a universal solvent of the medicinal properties of plants. Third, Some drugs require, for the extraction of all their dynamic or medicinal properties, not simply water and alcohol, but hot water or alcohol. Fourth, That where it is possible, a tincture should be made from the fresh plant. This last rule, I have no doubt, is followed by many of our pharmacists, certainly by the well-known house of Boericke and Tafel. It is our deliberate opinion that in no case should tinctures be made from the dried plants and roots, except when it is impossible to procure the fresh. It is equally important that these plants should be gathered at the proper time, i.e. , the season in which their medicinal qualities exist in their greatest potency. We know that Messrs. Boericke and Tafel have been particularly careful in carrying out this recommendation.
 In making a tincture from a fresh plant, we can nearly always succeed in exhausting it by simple maceration in alcohol of 94 to 98 per cent. proof. Where it is necessary to use the dried plant, the alcohol should be diluted by an amount of distilled water equal to the amount of water lost during the process of drying. In those plants where we have no table showing the loss of water, it will be necessary to estimate, from the general appearance, etc., the proportion of water lost in drying, thus following out the plan so vigorously enforced by the "British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia"--making all tinctures as near the standard of a fresh plant tincture as possible.
Decoction tincture : Decoction tincture. There are a few plants which, in the ordinary tincture, have always disappointed us, but, when used in the form of infusion or decoction, act with promptness and certainty. In such cases I have made officinal this new tincture, prepared as follows: Take of the powdered or bruised drug one part, prepared as for ordinary tinctures, pour upon it seven parts distilled water at about 2000 F.; allow to stand, tightly covered, for from six to twelve hours; add three parts 96 per cent. alcohol, and allow to stand six hours; filter slowly, and then add to the residue left in the filter two parts more of alcohol; allow to percolate slowly, and until the substance is dry. This tincture will be found to possess all the promptness and certainty of action of the infusion or decoction, and also have all the advantages of any tincture. Each ounce represents one-tenth of an ounce of the crude drug, about two parts of the liquid being lost by evaporation, etc., during the process of manufacture. many new indigenous foreign and other remedies. An enumeration will show their number and importance. They are: Amyl Nitrite, Apomorphia, Aranea diadema, Arsenite of Iron, arsenite of Quinia, Berberina, Caffeine, Cedron, Chionanthus, Clematis Virginiana, Coccus cacti, Croton chloral, Digitaline, Ergotine, Eucalyptus globulus, Euphorbia hypericifolia, Fagopyrum esculentum, Ferro-cyanarct of Potassium, Gallic acid, Hecla lava, Hydrophyllum, Ilex opaca, Iodide of Barium, Juniperus communis, Kaolin, Kino, Lapis albus, Lobelia cardinalis, OEnanthe crocata, Oleum Cajuputi, Oleum Jecoris Aselli, Oleum Ricinus communis, Opuntia vulgaris, Pancreatine, Passiflora incarnata, Pepsin, Protosulphide of Mercury, Ricinus communis, Solanum nigrum, Strychnia, Tanacctum vulgare, Thaspium aureum, Valerianate of Ammonia, Viscum album; 44 in all. Of these, nineteen have been subjected to physiological experimentation on the healthy, sufficient to enable us to fix upon certain symptoms which may be relied upon as characteristic. Of the others we have only fragmentary provings, or clinical experience.                                                                                                                                  Pharmacology 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

homoeopathy in india

Homoeopathy is a most complete and scientific system of healing art and it is conspicuous for its cheapness of price, sweetness of taste and quickness of action. It is a dear friend of children who have a natural aversion to bitter mixtures of the allopathic drugs. For 219 years Homoeopathy has served mankind in all parts of the world bringing hope where hope almost ceased to exist, showing light where eternal darkness seemed to descend. Time and time again it has saved human life when orthodox medicine paled in the dreadful presence of Death. It kindled the light of hope where orthodox medicine brought the gloom of despair. It has raised many a drooping heart which was sinking deep into despair. It has often changed the tears of grief into tears of joy.
 Words fail to describe the good that it is doing and it has done to its believers. He who understands it, takes it for a blessing of God. The wonderful charm of the smallest dose of a single remedy has won for it many adherents in every country. The day is not far distant when it will occupy its proper place of honour in the society of medical men of the world. It has power to crush opposition and overcome superstition and conservatism. Glorification of Homoeopathy is not far off.
 It is thoroughly good system of medicine and its materia medica contains over 1000 remedies which were accepted only after careful proving on human system under the observation of the ablest men. These medicines are of established usefulness and they, unlike orthodox medicine which are usually experimented on animals, do not change but are true in all ages and under all circumstances. The power of these drugs is beyond the comprehension of the non-believers. To a believer they simply unfold the atomic force of matter. Homoeopathic potencies are Atom Bombs in medicine designed for the annihilation of disease force. The theory of atom was put into action first by Hahnemann and he engaged this boundless power not for the destruction of human life but for healing the sick.
Homoeopathy came to India as early as 1810 when a French traveler, Dr. John Martin Honigberger who learnt Homoeopathy from Dr. Samuel Hahnemann visited India and treated patients with Homoeopathy. In his second visit in the year 1839, he treated the then ruler of Punjab, Maharaja Ranjit Singh with Dulcamara. Maharaja was so happy with results and he encouraged him to continue the Homoeopathic treatment in India. Homoeopathy continued to spread and Indians found in its philosophy and principles, a reflection of their belief and culture. The ancient Hindu physicians had, in fact recognized the "Law of Similars" as one of the principles of treatment.
 Fully qualified medical men and women practise Homoeopathy all over the world. School and college teachers practise it with great efficiency although they were never trained in medical colleges. Office clerks and pleaders often handle it with wonderful results. There are thousands of Homoeopaths who never received medical training but they employ these agents with excellent skill. Homoeopathy is now-a-days known to all classes of people, to the rich and the poor. to the educated and the uneducated, to the ploughman as well as to the boatman. People in England, France, Germany, America, India and everywhere want to be treated with Homoeopathic drugs and their persistent demand for Homoeopathic drugs gives positive proof of superiority of Homoeopathic drugs to all other branches of medicine. It is a mighty force, nothing can check its onward march, it will overcome all opposition. Allopathic drugs, when misused, are deadly instruments of death and suffering. Moreover they are so costly that poor people can hardly purchase these drugs. It is a common sight in India that poor men, when they are forced to use allopathic medicines, sell their ornaments and utensils to meet the doctors fee and cost of medicine. But Homoeopathic medicines have none of these drawbacks. They are so cheap and so harmless. If Homoeopathy receives governmental recognition it will remove, much of the economic distress of the people.
 That Homoeopathy is a popular form of treatment is evident from the unusually large number of Homoeopathic doctors practising everywhere on earth. In Bengal alone we have not less than 25000 Homoeopathic physicians of all qualities. About 50 percent of them come from our Homoeopathic colleges, about 5 percent of them come from the allopathic colleges and the rest practise Homoeopathic medicine without any college qualification. Many of the unqualified Homoeopaths have topped the list of the most successful Homoeopaths of Bengal, Dinu Babu of Howrah, Chunni Lall Chatterjee B.A.  of Utarpara,
 Prof. Gangadhar Mukherjee M.A. , B.L.  of Howrah, Dr. Nilmani Ghatak B.L.  of Calcutta and several other non-collegiate Homoeopaths have occupied most eminent positions in the profession. It is they who popularised
 Homoeopathy in Bengal and won the present exalted position for Homoeopathy. These gentlemen never worked for gold but for pure love of Homoeopathy. They have distributed Homoeopathic medicines free of all charges for years and years and left after their death an immortal fame for themselves and an undying reputation for Homoeopathic drugs. Their ceaseless efforts established Homoeopathy in the hearts of the people of India. Of the converted Homoeopaths, doctors Pratap Chandra Mazumdar L.M. S., M.L.  Sarkar M.D. , Baridbaran Mukherjee L.M. S. and many others deserve special mention.
 These are men of legendary reputation. They had marvellous skill in the use of Homoeopathic medicines. These gentlemen are no longer with us but their memory is still fresh in our minds.
 In Bengal we have a number of well established Homoeopathic colleges and to superintend over the affairs of these institutions there is the grand Organization known as the State Faculty of Homoeopathic Medicine, Bengal ensuring uniformity of the standard of training of persons for practice in Homoeopathy. The method of training in these colleges is quite satisfactory but for lack of sufficient funds these colleges are very much restricted in their activities and they fail to render eminent service to the country. It is now imperative that these colleges should be affiliated to the Calcutta University and the government should take the management of these colleges into their own hands. The training in Homoeopathic colleges should be further improved and it must not be in any way inferior to that in the allopathic colleges. The status and privileges of the graduates from the Homoeopathic colleges should be made exactly equal to those of the graduates from the allopathic colleges. Introduction of the study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Organon into the curriculum of the allopathic colleges will be followed by excellent results. Such an act will surely bring great relief to the poor masses of India. It should be always remembered that practice of pure Homoeopathy does not require an intense study of Anatomy, pathology etc. but it requires a thorough knowledge of Materia Medica and Organon without which one can not successfully practise Homoeopathy. For improvement of Homoeopathic training and practice in India I venture to suggest the following measures:
 (1) Homoeopathic Hospitals are to be established in the principal cities and towns of India. More over to relieve the economic distress of the people of villages arrangements should be made to distribute Homoeopathic medicines free of all charges at difference centers.
 (2) In the principal Hospitals of India eminent Homoeopathic doctors are to be allowed to treat all classes of indoor and outdoor patients and the achievements of the Homoeopathic medicines should be put on permanent records. Results of Homoeopathic treatment must be compared with the results of allopathic treatment.
 (3) In every provincial headquarter a model government institution for Homoeopathic education and training should be established. Hospital should be attached to it.
 (4) Government and non-government Homoeopathic colleges should be established in all big towns. The minimum standard of general education should be Matriculation for admission of students to Homoeopathic training institutions. Training and instruction should be given in provincial languages. The course of study must embrace a period of five years. After graduation the students must either work in a first class Hospital or must work under reputed senior Homoeopaths for full one year.
 (5) Complete knowledge of Materia Medica and Organon and partial knowledge of other medical subjects will be enough for passing the examination.
 (6) Amateur practice should be allowed with certain reservation. Unworthy persons with no general education should not be allowed to practise Homoeopathy. Practice of Homoeopathy by laymen is allowed in America, England, France and in all places. In India also laymen should be allowed to practise Homoeopathy where they have a special desire to do so. Some people practise it for the sake of pleasure in curing the sick and some want to do it in a spirit of charity. In India amateur practice practically forms the very backbone of Homoeopathy. They have a record of splendid achievements. It will be unjust and unfair to restrain their hands. The amateurs or laymen Homoeopaths are the real friends of the poor as they mostly work with little renumeration or often with no renumeration at all. The practice of Homoeopathic medicine in India has been built with the sincere efforts of these amateurs and therefore their case is to be favourably considered. They have every right to maintain their position.
 (7) Homoeopathic books are mostly written in English language. Government must make arrangements for their translation into Hindi or other provincial languages.
 (8) Some of the most important books remain out of print. Arrangements are to be made for reprinting them.
 (9) Cost of medical books should be cheap.
 (10) Arrangement for supply of medicines of undoubted purity should be made.
 (11) Every prominent Homoeopath should be compelled to give free service at least for two hours a day in his nearest charitable dispensary. The fee consultation or visiting, should not exceed Rs. 10/- under any circumstances. Poor people can not consult the best Homoeopaths for their exorbitant charges. Spirit of sacrifice must prevail or success is doubtful. Poor people must be treated kindly.
 (12) Homoeopathic doctors should receive their rightful shares in the health services of the country and in this matter no distinction is to be made between a Homoeopath and an allopath. They must enjoy equal rights and privileges.
 (13) Homoeopathic chemists should be kept under close watch as a cure depends on the purity of medicine. Corruptions in dealers of medicine should be checked with a strong hand.
 (14) Arrangement of post graduate teaching in Homoeopathy is absolutely necessary.
 (15) Proving of new medicines according to the principles of Hahnemann or reproving of existing drugs will help Homoeopathy.
 (16) Homoeopathic colleges should establish Health centers in different villages where the student should be taken for free distribution of medicine to the villages twice or thrice a week or if possible daily. This plan has a double blessing. The students will acquire Hospital experience and the village men will receive the benefit of Homoeopathic treatment. It will also spread the fame of Homoeopathy in the country.
 (17) Every provincial Homoeopathic associations must have a journal of their own for publication of their activities and fresh experiences. Government should help these associations with liberal grant of sufficient quantity of paper. A journal is a very useful thing for medical associations for exchange of ideas.
 (18) Homoeopaths should not be allowed to use allopathic or any other form of medicine. Practice of pure Homoeopathy should be enforced Using allopathic drugs in a Homoeopathic dispensary is to be tabooed.
 (19) Every Hospital should be equipped with a library containing all important books.
 (20) Special nurses are to be trained for working in Homoeopathic Hospitals. These nurses must undergo a preliminary training in elementary Homoeopathy.

A laboratory has to fight hard to establish its name of fame. But the name of M. Bhattacharyya and Co., of Calcutta, the proprietors of the laboratory, is so well-known for the medical profession as well as laymen, for their integrity and high standard, that it is hardly necessary to do anything more than remind them of their unimpeachable reputation for quality, ranging, over half a century. So, it would be, we hope, no impertinence if we say that the Economic Pharmaceutical Works should not be judged like other concerns that have no tradition to fall back on.
 This laboratory was started for supplying fresh and genuine Indian Tinctures, Biochemic and Homoeopathic Triturations and Tablets to the market which had been infested with spurious products of all description. A new item as important as Globules has of late been added to the line--a land-mark of progress in the history of Homoeopathic manufacture in India.
 We beg to draw the attention of our medical and lay friends to the fact that the Economic Pharmaceutical Works is the biggest of its kind in India, is fitted with the latest and most efficient apparatus and appliances. Every detail of the manufacture is conducted by a trained staff under the direct control of a veteran graduate of science. Thus we are in a position to guarantee the potency, stability and uniform accuracy of all our products.
 It is most gratifying to note that we have been exporting the products (particularly Mother Tinctures from Indian fresh plants) of the Economic Pharmaceutical Works even to America and Europe to the entire satisfaction of our clients there. It may be news to many, but surely is a thing which India may be proud of.
 We offer our sincere thanks to our numerous patrons for their steady support to M. Bhattacharyya and Co. and hope they would, with equal zeal and kindness, extend their help to this new but worthy venture also. We take this opportunity to mention that we shall always welcome visits by our friends, particularly the medical friends to our laboratory and would be most thankful for their valuable suggestions. Dr.Bose