Showing posts with label malaria prophylaxis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malaria prophylaxis. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

malaria prophylaxis

 Malaria fever, a disease conveyed by mosquitoes, characterized by intermittent paroxysms (attacks) of fever, and rigors (sudden chill with severe shivering and rapid rise of temperature). The temperature remains high until perspiration ensues (begins) - causes a gradual fall in the temperature and finally becomes normal. The recurring attacks of malaria fever may be noted on same day, on next day or after 3 days, 7 days etc. If the symptoms of malaria fever recur after 24 hours; it is known as Quotidian; if every 48 hours; it is Tertian; if every 72 hours; then it is named as Ouartan malaria.
 Besides above, there is severe frontal headache, red face, and pains all over the body.