
Tuesday, July 21, 2015


A fever or febrile or feverish state of body is the rise of body temperature above the normal, i.e.above the oral temperature of 98.4°F. Fever is generally associated with a hot, dry skin, shivering of body with chill (in the beginning). There is headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, pains in muscles and joints of the body.

 When the fever is high or above 104°F, then delirium, convulsions or coma may occur. Temperature is the degree of hotness (heat) or coldness of the body.
Causes of fever : 1. Change of season, cold exposure in cold season.
 2. Gastric derangement may cause gastric fever.
 3. Bacterial infection may cause fever with vomiting and diarrhoea. Such fevers are called enteric or typhoid fever.
 4. Viral infection may cause influenza or flu, common cold with fever, and measles, smallpox with fever.
 5. Mosquito bite causes fever like malaria, dengue fever.
 6. Eruption of boils, pimples, pustules, carbuncles, etc., cause fever called eruptive fever. Fever of measles is also called eruptive fever.
TYPES OF FEVER : Ague fever : A malaria or intermittent fever conveyed by mosquitoes.Fever bilious : This fever is a low fever, occurs when there is excessive production of bile by the liver with nausea, bilious vomiting, bitter taste, headache, bilious colic, pain in the epigastrium, or upper abdomen, worse after an hour of taking meal. If the presence of bile or bile pigments (bilirubin) in the blood is more than normal (i.e. , bile pigments from 0.3 to 1 mg in 100 ml of blood is normal), then the symptoms of jaundice with fever may appear along with the presence of bile in the urine.
Fever Cure : FP6X, KM3X, NM3X, NS3X,Acon, Ars, Bapt, Bry, Cham, China, Eup perf, Gels, Ipec, Iris v, Leptand, Nat s, Nux v, Pod, Puls, Sul. 

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