Obesity is a very fat body , it is a condition in which there is much accumulation of fat in the body.
Obesity is usually said to be present when a person is 20% above the recommended weight for his/her height, age and build. Severe form of obesity may lead to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis. It also creates social, physical and psychological problems.
Physical problems are faced in physical work at home, in the field or in the factory. Psychological problems are faced by the individual when suffering from heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and osteoarthritis and these problems create depression, lack of confidence, fear psychosis. The other physical problems faced are standing or moving with great difficulty, in bathing or hygienic maintenance of body. In obesity, cleanliness of the body becomes a major problem after copious profuse sweating of the body which may cause some infection in the folds of the body, especially in groins, under armpits, under breasts.
Causes of obesity : There are numerous causes of obesity.As (1) the consumption of more food than is required for producing sufficient energy for the daily activities of the body. The excess products of digestion are accumulated in the tissues as fat; (2) obesity is due to nutritional disorder and eating of more fat which is accumulated mostly in the subcutaneous tissues; (3) obesity is caused more rapidly when a person avoids physical work and takes more rest and sleep after taking heavy meals during the day; (4) obesity is increased flatulent food, i.e. , rice, pulses, potatoes, beans, eggs, fat and fatty food; (5) in some cases obesity is transferred from parents to their children; (6) after frequent deliveries and abortions or after surgical operation in the body; (7) in metabolic deficiency, the breakdown of protein, sugar and fat is poor and as such more part of the digested food is stored in the tissues of the body.
Homoeopathic approach for obesity : Am br, Am c, Ant c, Apis, Asaf, Bar c, Blatta, Calc ars, Calc c, Calop, Caps, Carbo v, Colch, Fucus, Graph, Kali bi, Kali c, Phyto, Puls, Sabal, Thuja, Thyr.
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