
Sunday, January 3, 2016

impulsivity definition

impulsivity definition : Impulsive behaviour, which is not typically classified in psychiatry, not strictly put under compulsive behaviour, because the person doesn't try to prevent this type of behaviour, but it is a compulsive behaviour, like a gambler or something like that. Compulsion as a rule is related to the need to repeat intentionally the same behaviour and that usually is a response of an obsession.
Usually, when many types of compulsions are done, it will relieve a certain tension. In other words, there is an obsession to do something, there is a tension that builds up and until the action is performed, the anxiety builds up and when the behaviour is performed the anxiety goes down and there is a relief. But then, soon after, it starts again. The person has to repeat the activity constantly.
 The most common type of compulsion is washing the hands, but there are also people that count. If you have Sesame Street here, a programme for children, do you remember the Count? He counts everything. It is a compulsion to count. A compulsion to touch, he must touch things. Or checking things. Obsessive compulsive behaviour is also related to eating disorder, like bulimia and anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is the psychiatric condition that has the highest death rate. About ten percent of the people with the psychic condition anorexia nervosa die from it. About ten percent! In other words, ten percent of the people that develop anorexia nervosa will die from starvation. It is a very serious condition. Bulimia-anorexia - it says in the United States College Campus up to twenty per cent of the female population is suffering from such a problem, because of the pressure that is there to perform at the same time while studying.

These people have a delusion or obsession. It is almost like a psychotic condition that they are too fat, while they are thin. They have a delusion, they will look at their hips and they will say that they are too fat, when too thin. They will resort to all kind of behaviour to lose weight, or to not put on weight. They will take laxatives, they will vomit, they will take diuretics; they will take saunas to perspire. 
impulsivity definition cure : ARG NIT,BRYO,K.CARB,ANT CRUD,K.PHOS,MERC.

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