
Saturday, August 29, 2015

alcoholism treatment

alcoholic poisoning those people who are actually addicted to alcohol.  Alcoholism, in its chronic form, causes severe disturbances in the nervous and digestive systems.  The following remedies are used but strong will power of man can cure this alcoholism. Alcohol abuse cannot be healed by homeopathy alone, special psychological care is also essential.

treatment of prostate

Prostate gland is a conical-shaped small gland at the base of the male bladder, that opens into the urethra just below the bladder and vas deferens. It secretes a thin, alkaline fluid during the ejaculation of semen. This fluid is a part of the semen. (Vas deferens are two ducts of the testicles. Each carries sperm from the the testes or exactly from the epididymis to the urethra. Prostate gland is present only in male.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

psoriasis treatment

A chronic skin disease in which itchy, scaly, red patches are covered with adherent scales. These red patches are almost circular in shape and form silvery white scales that can be removed easily. Red patches of this disease are found mainly on the elbows, forearms, fingers, knees, legs, feet and scalp. Very old cases, of 20 to 30 years' duration, are difficult to cure and in such cases, this disease spreads all over the back and abdomen.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

mesothelioma lung

mesothelioma lung : Cancer is a general term which covers many malignant in various parts of the body- the cause of which is not known. This growth purpose- less and parasitic i.e.cancerous parasites obtain their food and shelter from the same tissue in which they develop). In other words when a normal cell of any tissue in the body develops cancerous nature and growth then it loses its original function and structure. This fully developed Cancer cell continues to multiply slowly or rapidly by destroying the original Cells of that tissue with their function and finally converting the whole tissue into cancerous tissue.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

acne medication

acne medication : Acne is an inflammatory affection of the sebaceous glands. Acne, in its mildest form of development, consists of a small papule; usually seated on the face, chest, or back. The papule is red, pointed, and may be slightly sore to the touch, presenting the usual features of a localized inflammation. The papules may vary in number from one or two to several hundred, scattered over the nose, cheeks, forehead, temples, chest, and back. The little pimple may, on pressure with the finger, present slight firmness, indicative of the inflammatory effusion.