
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

easiest way to quit smoking

easiest way to quit smoking : If persons unaccustomed to smoking have been made ill thereby, give Pulsatilla; for violent headache and nausea, Aconite; giddiness and dizziness to fainting, vomiting of bile and diarrhoea, Chamomilla; and if not sufficient, and there is much coldness, Veratrum; if this will no answer, let them smell camphor. Violent convulsions and other symptoms may be removed by Cuprum or Cocculus.

 If a person accustomed to smoking feels unwell after it, Cocculus or Ignatia will generally relieve him. If it occasions toothache, give Bryonia or sometimes China. If it causes sickness of the stomach, Ignatia or Pulsatilla; it uneasiness and nausea, Staphisagria. The same remedies may be given for bad effects from chewing tobacco. Especially Nux vomica, Arsenicum, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla or Cocculus, and sometimes Cuprum.
 Chronic consequences of immoderate smoking or chewing are difficult to cure; nervousness and weakness of the stomach are generally removed by Nux vomica or Cocculus; habitual constipation by Nux vomica, Staphisagria, Mercurius; The diseases to which those who manufacture tobacco are subject, cannot be removed unless the patient quits his employment. The remedies most effective in such cases are Arsenicum, Colocynth, and Cuprum. Dr.Hering
Reason to quit : Chances of having cancer, heart attacks, heart disease, stroke, cataracts, and other diseases will go down.It will be less likely to get sick.It will breathe easier and cough less.Blood pressure will go down.Skin will look healthier, and I will look more youthful.Teeth and fingernails will not be stained.

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