
Friday, January 29, 2016

leprosy drugs

Leprosy is a disease that has been known from the earliest ages, and has prevailed among all races and in all climes. At present it is most widespread in countries lying both to the north and to the south of the temperate zone and the among the less enlightened people of the earth.
 To a limited extent, however, it is met with in Europe and the United States.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

estrogen therapy benefits

estrogen therapy benefits : Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used by allopathic physicians to treat women symptomatically in the menopausal years, but more significantly, to protect them from osteoporosis and coronary heart disease as they age. Both of these conditions are ominous problems for many of our patients with strong family histories for these diseases and less than perfect compensatory life styles.

Friday, January 22, 2016

morinda noni juice

The History of Noni : the history of noni is rich and varied. Noni is a fruit that has been around for nearly 2000-3000 years. Noni is scientifically known as Morinda Citrifolia. In traditional use, noni has been used worldwide for both medicinal purposes and food. Also in traditional uses of noni, it has been used in many other ways and virtually every part of the tree is used in some form or another.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

impulsivity definition

impulsivity definition : Impulsive behaviour, which is not typically classified in psychiatry, not strictly put under compulsive behaviour, because the person doesn't try to prevent this type of behaviour, but it is a compulsive behaviour, like a gambler or something like that. Compulsion as a rule is related to the need to repeat intentionally the same behaviour and that usually is a response of an obsession.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

mental health treatment centers

mental health treatment centers : As conditions of the brain, sensibility and contractility, being inseparable like form and motion, are best maintained by orderly motion and rest. Attention and will-force are put more thoroughly into constant use in learning to skate successfully, than during our more ordinary exercises. An exercise which will the more certainly unite the common bodily movements with our personal thoughts and increase our chances of continued sanity.

private health care

private health care : practical working definition of health exists in actual homeopathic practice than George Vithoulkas' "freedom from limitations." In so many situations on a day to day basis practitioners make real choices in terms of remedy selection, prognosis and evaluation based on its simple guide-line-"Is it a limitation?" But despite the relative efficacy of this heuristic, homeopathy has not gone far enough in articulating a definition of health.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

easiest way to quit smoking

easiest way to quit smoking : If persons unaccustomed to smoking have been made ill thereby, give Pulsatilla; for violent headache and nausea, Aconite; giddiness and dizziness to fainting, vomiting of bile and diarrhoea, Chamomilla; and if not sufficient, and there is much coldness, Veratrum; if this will no answer, let them smell camphor. Violent convulsions and other symptoms may be removed by Cuprum or Cocculus.